Module 6 - Backup and Restore ONLY a specific set of documents, Backup and Restore a Bucket, Backup and Restore Entire Couchbase Cluster

  cbbackupmgr – Configure a backup :  

cbbackupmgr config -a /data/bkp -r cluster

cbbackupmgr config -a /data/bkp -r single --include-buckets travel-sample

  cbbackupmgr – list the backups:  

cbbackupmgr list --archive /data/bkp

cbbackupmgr list -a /tmp/bkp -r single

cbbackupmgr list -a /tmp/bkp -r cluster \
--backup 2020-12-23T01_24_01.3433522434-03_00 --bucket travel-sample

  Create Entire Cluster Backup:  

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr config --archive /backup --repo repo1    (You can exclude (or) include buckets here)

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr backup --archive /backup --repo repo1 --cluster couchbase:// -u Administrator -p couchbase --threads 4       

  Check Backup:  

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr info --archive /backup --repo repo1

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr list --archive /backup --repo repo1

  Copy Files Between GCP Nodes:  

Copy from source cluster to bucket:

gsutil cp backup.tar gs://couchbase-bucket/

Copy from bucket to Target cluster:
gsutil cp gs://couchbase-bucket/backup.tar /tmp


All Buckets:

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr config --archive /restore --repo repo2

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr restore --archive /restore --repo repo2 --cluster couchbase:// -u Administrator -p couchbase --threads 4
        Exclude One Buckets: while Restoring

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr restore --archive /restore --repo repo2 --cluster couchbase:// -u Administrator -p couchbase --threads 4 --exclude-buckets 'travel-sample'
Exclude Two Buckets: while Restoring

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr restore --archive /restore --repo repo2 --cluster couchbase:// -u Administrator -p couchbase --threads 4 --exclude-buckets 'travel-sample,REST-TMP'
If the backup fails?

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr backup -a /data/bkp -r example -c `hostname` -u Administrator -p password --resume


/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr backup -a /data/bkp -r example -c `hostname` -u Administrator -p password --purge

  cbbackupmgr – restore  (to specific backup with --end tag)

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr restore -a /tmp/bkp -r cluster \
-c -u Administrator -p password \
--start 2020-12-24T23_00_16.14337588-07_00 \
--end 2020-12-24T23_00_17.14337588-07_00
##with FORCE - Force overwrite key-value pairs being restored even if  the key-value pair on the cluster is newer than the one being  restored
/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr restore -a /tmp/bkp -r cluster \
-c -u Administrator -p password \
--start 2020-12-24T23_00_16.14337588-07_00 \
--end 2020-12-24T23_00_17.14337588-07_00 --force-updates

  cbbackupmgr merge:  

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr merge -a /tmp/test-bkp -r test-repo --start 2021-11-14T10_15_40.773826573Z --end 2021-11-14T10_20_19.540516006Z

  cbbackupmgr remove:  

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr remove -a /tmp/test-bkp -r test-repo

  Backing Up a Cluster(Cloud):  

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr backup -a s3://bucket/arch -r repo
--obj-staging-dir /mnt/staging
-c -u Administrator -p password

  Restore a Cluster(Cloud):  

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr restore -a s3://bucket/arch -r repo
--obj-staging-dir /mnt/staging \
-c -u Administrator -p password

  Backup and restore ONLY specific set of documents like 'rep':  

Get count from GUI (query tab) :

select meta().id from `travel-sample` where meta().id like '%rep%';


select count(*) from `travel-sample` where meta().id like '%rep%';

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackup /tmp/rest-bkp -u Administrator -p 'couchbase' -b travel-sample -k '^rep*'

Crosscheck Cluster & Bucket Name:

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbrestore /tmp/rest-bkp -u Administrator -p 'couchbase' --bucket-source=travel-sample --bucket-destination=rep-bucket

  Restore specific keys/single document using cbbackupmgr:  

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr config -a /tmp/cbbackupmgr-bkp -r single --include-buckets travel-sample

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr backup --archive
/tmp/cbbackupmgr-bkp --repo single --cluster couchbase:// -u Administrator -p 'couchbase'

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr list --archive /tmp/cbbackupmgr-bkp --repo single

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr restore -a /tmp/cbbackupmgr-bkp -r single \
 -c couchbase:// -u Administrator -p couchbase \
 --start 2021-06-22T02_15_05.538818553Z \
 --end 2021-06-23T02_15_04.47314733Z \
 --filter-keys '^test*' \
 --exclude-buckets "REST-TMP,REST"
 --map-buckets "travel-sample=rep-bucket"


/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr restore -c -u Administrator -p couchbase \
 -a /tmp/cbbackupmgr-bkp -r single --map-buckets "travel-sample=rep-bucket" --filter-keys '^rep*'

  Backup and restore a bucket using cbbackup & cbrestore:  

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackup http://`hostname`:8091 /tmp/rest-bkp2 -u Administrator -p 'couchbase' -b REST --threads=2

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbrestore /tmp/rest-bkp2 http://`hostname`:8091 --bucket-source=REST --bucket-destination=REST-TMP -u Administrator -p 'couchbase' -x conflict_resolve=0 --threads=4

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbrestore /tmp/rest-bkp2 http://`hostname`:8091 --bucket-source=REST --bucket-destination=rep-bucket -u Administrator -p 'couchbase' -x conflict_resolve=0 --threads=4

//to force all data to be copied/restored to couchbase
cbrestore -x conflict_resolve=0

  Backup and restore a bucket using cbbackupmgr:  

#Create repo1 in archive:/tmp/travelsample-bkp
/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr config --archive /tmp/travelsample-bkp --repo repo1 --include-buckets travel-sample

#Take backup
/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr backup --archive /tmp/travelsample-bkp --repo repo1 -host couchbase://`hostname` --username Administrator --password 'couchbase' --threads 2

#Restore backup
/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr restore -c -u Administrator -p couchbase \
-a /tmp/travelsample-bkp -r repo1 --map-buckets "travel-sample=rep-bucket"

//--force-updates -If you want to restore a backup to a bucket with a different conflict resolution type, you can do that by using the --force-updates

#Restore backup with force-updates
/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr restore -c -u Administrator -p couchbase \
-a /tmp/travelsample-bkp -r repo1 --map-buckets "travel-sample=REST-TMP" --force-updates

  Command to get the index definition of all indexes present in cluster:  

curl -X GET http://`hostname`:8091/indexStatus -u Administrator |python -mjson.tool|grep -i "definition"


curl --user Administrator:couchbase --silent --connect-timeout 5 --request GET --write-out 'HTTPSTATUS:%{http_code}' http://`hostname`:8091/indexStatus|sed 's/"definition"/\n"/g;s/":"CREATE/CREATE/g;s/","status"/\n"/g'|grep -w CREATE

  Command to take bucket password backup:  

curl -X GET -j -u "Administrator:couchbase" http://`hostname`:8091/pools/default/buckets/REST | egrep -i saslPassword >bucket_password.txt

  Couchbase Single/Binary document Backup:  

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackup http://`hostname`:8091 /tmp -u Administrator -p 'couchbase' -b  REST -k 'bindoc' -t 2

  Couchbase Single/Binary document Restore

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbrestore /tmp/ http://`hostname`:8091/ -u Administrator -p 'couchbase' --bucket-source=REST --bucket-destination=REST-TMP -t 2

 Single/Binary document Backup & Restore using cbbackupmgr:  

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr config -a /tmp/cbbackupmgr-bkp -r single --include-buckets travel-sample  

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr backup --archive /tmp/cbbackupmgr-bkp --repo single --cluster couchbase:// -u Administrator -p 'couchbase'

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr list --archive /tmp/cbbackupmgr-bkp --repo single

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr restore -a /tmp/cbbackupmgr-bkp -r single \
 -c couchbase:// -u Administrator -p couchbase \
 --start 2021-06-22T02_15_05.538818553Z \
 --end 2021-06-23T02_15_04.47314733Z \
 --filter-keys 'binary-doc-name' \
 --exclude-buckets "REST-TMP,REST"
 --map-buckets "travel-sample=rep-bucket"


/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr restore -c -u Administrator -p couchbase \
 -a /tmp/cbbackupmgr-bkp -r single --map-buckets "travel-sample=rep-bucket" --filter-keys 'binary-doc-name'

 Backup & Restore Entire Couchbase Cluster 

  Create Entire Cluster Backup:  

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr config --archive /backup --repo repo1    (You can exclude (or) include buckets here)

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr backup --archive /backup --repo repo1 --cluster couchbase:// -u Administrator -p couchbase --threads 4     

  Check Backup

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr info --archive /backup --repo repo1

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr list --archive /backup --repo repo1 

  Copy Files Between GCP Nodes:  

Copy from source cluster to bucket:

gsutil cp backup.tar gs://couchbase-bucket/

Copy from bucket to Target cluster:

gsutil cp gs://couchbase-bucket/backup.tar /tmp


All buckets:

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr config --archive /restore --repo repo2 
/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr restore --archive /restore --repo repo2 --cluster couchbase:// -u Administrator -p couchbase --threads 4
Exclude One Bucket:

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr restore --archive /restore --repo repo2 --cluster couchbase:// -u Administrator -p couchbase --threads 4 --exclude-buckets 'travel-sample'
    Exclude Two Buckets:
/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr restore --archive /restore --repo repo2 --cluster couchbase:// -u Administrator -p couchbase --threads 4 --exclude-buckets 'travel-sample,REST-TMP'

Note: Above are the commands used/mentioned in Module 6 of the Couchbase Database Administration Course. 



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