Active Queries:
select active_requests.* from system:active_requests;Prepared Queries:
SELECT *, meta().plan FROM system:completed_requests;Query completed requests information:
SELECT *, meta().plan FROM system:completed_requests;Top 10 requests having the top reads from the requests that have completed recently:
$ curl -u Administrator:couchbase http://localhost:8093/admin/completed_requests| python -mjson.tool >Cluster_completed_requestes.json
select statement, remoteAddr, requestAddr, phaseCounts.`fetch` from system:completed_requests order by phaseCounts.`fetch` desc limit 10;Get total execution time of every prepared statement:
SELECT sum(str_to_duration(avgServiceTime)*uses/1000000000) total, statementHow many times a statement was executed and what is its average service time:
FROM system:prepareds
WHERE avgServiceTime is not missing GROUP BY statement
ORDER BY total;
SELECT duration_to_str(avg(str_to_duration(serviceTime))) avgServiceTime,Find the most used statements:
count(*) reqCount, statement
FROM system:completed_requests GROUP BY statement
ORDER BY avgServiceTime desc;
SELECT sum(uses) usecount, statement FROM system:prepareds WHERE uses is not missing GROUP BY statement ORDER BY usecount;Find statements prepared by the most clients:
SELECT count(*) prepcount, statement FROM system:prepareds GROUP BY statement ORDER BY prepcount;Essential Monitoring with REST API:
Essential Monitoring with REST API: http://<ip>:8091/admin/vitalsQuery stats:
Get cluster information-nodes, RAM, storage, URI endpoints: http://<ip>:8091/pools/default
Get stats for a specific node: http://<ip>:8091/nodes/self
Get stats for a specific bucket: http://<ip>:8091/pools/default/buckets/<bucket_name>
List buckets : curl http://<ip>:8091/pools/default/buckets
XDCR Stats : curl http://<ip>:8091/pools/default/buckets/<bucket>/stats/replications/<taskId>/<stat>
curl http://localhost:8093/admin/statsKilling a query (requires connection to the query node):
curl -u Administrator:password http://<node>:8093/admin/completed_requests
curl -u Administrator:password http://<node>:8093/admin/active_requests
curl -u Administrator:password http://<node>:8093/admin/prepareds
curl -u Administrator:password -X DELETE http://<node>:8093/admin/active_requests/uuidIndex Statistics:
curl -X GET -u Administrator:password "http://localhost:9102/api/v1/stats/mybucket/myindex?pretty=true"
Note: Above are the commands used/mentioned in Module 8 of the Couchbase Database Administration Course.
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