[DevOps Bootcamp Notes] - Configuration Management with Ansible

[Notes] - Configuration Management with Ansible

What is Ansible?

It's a tool to automate IT tasks. Example: to perform a specific task like configure something, restart a service, or check the status of a service on tens or hundreds of servers.
We do it in 4 different ways:

  • Execute tasks from your own machine
  • Configuration/Installation/Deployment steps in a single YAML file
  • Re-use same file multiple times and for different environments
  • More reliable and less likely for errors
Supporting all infrastructure: from operating systems to cloud providers.
Ansible is agentless.

How does Ansible work?
Ansible work with Modules(Small programs that do the actual work). They get pushed to the target server, do their work and get removed. Modules are very granular, one module can do one small specific task(like, for user creation one module, for creating a directory one module).
There are multiple modules that can do specific tasks:
  • Jenkins Module: we can create and delete Jenkins jobs and many other things
  • Docker Module: create container, start container, apply configuration and much more
  • Postgres Module: Rename a table,set owner,truncate table and much more
Playbook = 1 or more Plays
The sequential modules are grouped into tasks, where each task makes sure the module gets executed with certain arguments and also describes the task with a name.
YAML strictly follows indentation.
 - name: Rename table
    table: test1
    rename: test2

Where should these tasks execute?
HOSTS (on the list of IPs mentioned in hosts file)

With which user should the tasks execute?
REMOTE_USER (for AWS, ec2-user)

Use variables for repeating values.
A play is a list of tasks, with which user on which hosts it needs to be executed. Playbook = 1 or more plays.

Playbook describes:
  • How and in which order
  • At what time and where (on which machines)
  • What (the modules) should be executed
It is a good practice naming plays.

Where does the "hosts:" value come from in the playbook?
The hosts reference is defined in Ansible inventory list.

The hosts file keeps the list of inventory:
Inventory = all the machines (IPs or hostnames) involved in task executions. That groups multiple IP addresses or hostnames



Ansible Tower: UI dashboard from Red Hat.
-Centrally store automation tasks
-Across teams
-Configure permissions
-Manage inventory

Comparable/Alternative Tools: puppet and chef
Simple YAML
Puppet and Chef:
Ruby more difficult to learn
Installation needed(on target servers)
So need for managing updates on target servers

Install Ansible:

Ansible machine requirement: Python needs to be installed.

 We can install Ansible either on the local server (or) on a remote server(recommended)

MAC: brew install ansible
pip install ansible

Steps to install it on Windows10:

1. Install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL):

Open PowerShell as an administrator: wsl --install

2. Install a Linux distribution from the Microsoft Store:(e.g., Ubuntu, Debian, or openSUSE).

3. Set up your Linux distribution:

Provide a username and password when prompted during the initial setup

4. Update your Linux distribution: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

5. Install Ansible: sudo apt install ansible -y

6. Verify the Ansible installation: ansible --version

Ansible connects to the target servers using ssh, it does not need any agent installed on those servers. However note that on Linux servers, there has to be Python installed so that Ansible can execute commands. Since Ansible is written in python, so it needs Python interpreter to configure the server.

Ansible Inventory File:
A file containing data about the ansible client servers
"hosts" means the manged servers
the default location for file: /etc/ansible/hosts

Ansible needs username/password (or) private ssh key to get authenticated with remote hosts.

[ip1] ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/id_rsa ansible_user=root[ip2] ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/id_rsa ansible_user=root

Ansible ad-hoc commands:
ad-hoc commands are not stored for future uses
A fast way to interact with desired servers
$ ansible [pattern] -m [module] -a "[module options]"
 - [pattern] = targeting hosts and group
- "all" = default group, which contains every host.
  • Example(execute on all servers): ansible all -i hosts -m ping
  • Execute on a specific server(aws group): ansible aws -i hosts -m ping
  • Execute on a specific server(target one server):  ansible -i hosts -m ping

Grouping hosts:
You can put each host in more than one group.
You can create groups that track:
WHERE - a datacenter/region, e.g. east,west
WHAT - e.g. database servers, web servers etc
WHEN - which stage, e.g. dev, test, prod environment.

Using Group specific variables:
[aws]  ansible_user=ubuntu #For ubuntu VM


Host Key Checking:
It is enabled by default in Ansible.
It guards against server spoofing and man-in-the-middle attacks.
Disable host key checking:
In recent ansible versions, the default directory: /etc/ansible is not getting created. We can disable host key checking in ansible configuration file: /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg (or) we can configure file: ~/ansible.cfg in the current user's home directory as well.

interpreter_python = /usr/bin/python3

#Configure the default hosts file
inventory = hosts
enable_plugins = aws_ec2

#Remote User
remote_user = ec2-user
private_key_file = ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Changes can be made and used in a configuration file which will be searched for in the following order: order of precedence

  • ANSIBLE_CONFIG (environment variable if set)
  • ansible.cfg (in the current directory)
  • ~/.ansible.cfg (in the home directory)
  • /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
Create a simple Playbook:
Playbook is 
-ordered list of tasks
-plays & tasks runs in order from top to bottom

We can't give an IP address in the "hosts" section of play, which is not included in hosts file.

- name: Configure nginx web server
  hosts: aws
  - name: Install nginx server
      name: nginx=1.10.0-0ubuntu1
      state: present
  - name: Start nginx server
      name: nginx
      state: started

Run Playbook:
ansible-playbook -i hosts my-playbook.yaml
ansible-playbook my-playbook.yaml (If default hosts file is configured in ansible.cfg)

To get additional troubleshooting info:
ansible-playbook my-playbook.yaml -vv

The "Gather Facts" module is automatically called by playbooks, to gather useful variables about remote hosts that can be used in playbooks. So Ansible provides many facts about the system automatically.

Idempotency: Most Ansible modules check whether the desired state has already been achieved (It will check the Actual State Vs Desired state, just like Terraform). If the desired state is already there on the server, it won't make any changes.

Why collection index is introduced(no module index) in latest Ansible version(2.10).
In Ansible 2.9 and earlier versions, all modules were included. Which means when we installed them we have one Ansible distribution that contains "Ansible code" and "all the modules and plugins" for different use cases. Since Ansible grow in size, Ansible engineers decided to modularize the Ansible code -> Separated Ansible code and "Ansible Module & Plugins". Collections/Modules maintanined and managed by Ansible community itself.

Ansible 2.10 and later:
Ansible/Ansible(ansible-base) repo contains the core Ansible programs.
Modules and Plugins moved into various "collections"

What is a collection compared to a Module?
A packaging format for bundling and distributing Ansible content
Can be released and installed independent of other collections (Collection: Playbook, Plugins, Modules, documentation,etc). Now all modules are part of a collection. You can also create own Collection (with plugins, modules and playbooks).

Collections follow a simple data structure: required a galaxy.yml file (containing metadata) at the root level of the collection.

Ansible Plugins:
Pieces of code that add to Ansible's functionality or modules. You can also write your own plugins.

Ansible Galaxy: Collections group basically Ansible content (modules and plugins). Where is this content hosted and shared? where do I get Ansible Collections? One of the main hubs of the collections is Ansible Galaxy. It is the place where the code of the collection lives, when ever you need you can download it from here. It is a command-line utility to install individual collections.

ansible-galaxy collection install <collection name>
Whenever we need to install a collection, we can use the command: ansible-galaxy collection install <collection_name>. Whenever we need to update only a few specific collections, we can only update those few collections(with the new Ansible version) instead of updating all.

  • To print output of a command in Ansible, we can use "register" module, which can capture the output of the command into register assigned variable. 
  • The "Debug" module prints statements during execution, which is useful for debugging variables or expressions.
  • "command" and "shell" modules are not idempotent. This means whatever commands/tasks we mentioned, will be executed every time we run the playbook. To overcome this, we can use "conditionals" in Ansible.
  • Python Vs Ansible: In Python, we need to check the Status (whether the execution is successful or not). Ansible and Terraform handle that state check for us.
  • privilege escalation: become.  "become_user" = set to user with desired privileges, We have to enable "become: True" before we use "become_user". Default is root(i.e., become:yes).'become' allows you to 'become' another user(different from the user that logged into the machine)
- name: Install node and npm
    - name: Update apt repo and cache
      dnf: update_cache=yes
      become: yes
    - name: Install nodejs and npm
      become: yes
          - nodejs
          - npm
        state: present

- name: Create new linux user for node app
  become: yes
    - name:
        name: kishore
        comment: Installation user
        group: root #root user group on amazon linux

- name: Deploy nodejs app
  become: True
  become_user: kishore
    - name: Unpack the nodejs file
        src: ~/ansible/bootcamp-node-project-1.0.tgz
        dest: /home/kishore
        # remote_src: yes (Incase the file is remote)
    - name: Install dependencides
        path: /home/kishore/package
    - name: Start the application
        chdir: /home/kishore/package
        cmd: node server
      async: 1000
      poll: 0
    - name: Ensure app is running
      shell: ps aux | grep -w node
      register: app_status #To register output of shell, into app_status variable
    - debug: msg={{app_status.stdout_lines}}

Registering variables:
Create variables from the output of an Ansible task.
This variable can be used in any later tasks in your play (within curly braces {{ }}).

Referencing variables:
Using double curly braces.
If you start a value with {{ value }} immediately after :(colon), you must quote the whole expression to create valid YAML syntax. (Ex: src; "{{node-file-location}}"

Define Variables:
We can define variables in couple of ways:
  1. Define in the yaml file itself with "vars:"
        - location: ~/ansible
        - version: 1.0
        - user_home_dir: /home/kishore
  2. Passing variables on the command line
    ansible-playbook -i hosts deploy-node.yaml -e "version=1.0 \ location=~/ansible/bootcamp-node-project-1.0.tgz name=nginx2"
  3. External variables file (uses YAML syntax)
    project-vars: =============
    location: ~/ansible
    uname: nginx2
    version: 1.0
    user_home_dir: /home/{{uname}}
    linux_user: newuser
    user_groups: adm,docker Usage: in playbook =======
    - name: Install docker & docker-compose python module
      hosts: aws
        - project-vars

Naming of Variables:
  • Not valid: Python keywords, such as async. Playbook keywords, such as environment
  • Valid: Letters, numbers and underscores
  • Should always start with a letter
  • DON'T define like this: linux-name, linux name, linux.name or 12. Instead we can write it as linux_name (or) linuxname.
Parameterize Playbook:

- name: Install node and npm
    - name: Update apt repo and cache
      dnf: update_cache=yes
      become: yes
    - name: Install nodejs and npm
      become: yes
          - nodejs
          - npm
        state: present

- name: Create new linux user for node app
  become: yes
    - project-vars
    - name: "Create linux user"
        name: "{{uname}}"
        comment: Installation user
        group: root #root user group on amazon linux
      register: user_status
      debug: msg={{user_status}}
- name: Deploy nodejs app
  become: True
  become_user: "{{uname}}"
    - project-vars
  # vars:
  #   - user_home_dir: /home/{{uname}}
    - name: Unpack the nodejs file
        src: "{{location}}/bootcamp-node-project-{{version}}.tgz" #If you start a value with {{ }}, quotes are must
        dest: "{{user_home_dir}}"
        # remote_src: yes (Incase the file is remote)
    - name: Install dependencides
        path: "{{user_home_dir}}/package"
    - name: Start the application
        chdir: "{{user_home_dir}}/package"
        cmd: node server
      async: 1000
      poll: 0
    - name: Ensure app is running
      shell: ps aux | grep -w node
      register: app_status #To register output of shell, into app_status variable
    - debug: msg={{app_status.stdout_lines}}

Find a directory with regular expression:

- name: Find a folder with the name nexus
    paths: /opt
    pattern: "nexus-*"
    file_type: directory
  register: find_result
- debug: msg={{find_result}}

Ansible Conditionals:
  • When: applies to a single task
- name: Find folder with name nexus
    paths: /opt
    pattern: "nexus-*"
    file_type: directory
  register: find_result
- name: Check nexus folder stats
    path: /opt/nexus
  register: stat_result
- name: Rename nexus folder
  shell: mv {{find_result.files[0].path}} /opt/nexus
  when: not stat_result.stat.exists

"file" module:
Manage files and file properies. For windows targets: "win_file" module

Modules to change contents of a file: There are a couple of modules to change the contents of a file.
  • "blockinfile" module: Insert/update/remove a multi-line text surrounded by customizable marker lines 
    - name: Start nexus with nexus user
      hosts: ip
        - name: set run_as_user nexus
            path: /opt/nexus/bin/nexus.rc
            block:  | # pipe represents multi line string
  • "lineinfile" module: Ensures a partifular line is in a file, or replace an existing line using regex. Useful when you want to change a single line in a file only.
  • "replace" module: to change multiple lines
Nexus Installation Playbook:

inventory = hosts    #Configure default hosts file

install-nexus.yaml: (on Amazon linux machine)
- name: Install jdk and net-tools
  hosts: aws
  become: yes
    - name: Update apt repo and cache
      dnf: update_cache=yes
    - name: Install jre and net-tools
          - java-1.8.0-amazon-corretto
          - java-1.8.0-amazon-corretto-devel
          - net-tools
        state: present

- name: Download and Untar nexus
  hosts: aws
  become: yes
    - name: Check nexus folder stats
        path: /opt/nexus
      register: stat_result
    - name: Download nexus
        url: https://download.sonatype.com/nexus/3/nexus-3.57.0-01-unix.tar.gz
        dest: /opt
      register: download_result
    #- debug: msg={{archive_file}}
    - name: Untar nexus
        src: "{{download_result.dest}}"
        dest: /opt/
        remote_src: yes
      when: not stat_result.stat.exists
    - name: Find folder with name nexus
        paths: /opt
        pattern: "nexus-*"
        file_type: directory
      register: find_result
    - name: Rename nexus folder
      shell: mv {{find_result.files[0].path}} /opt/nexus
      when: not stat_result.stat.exists

- name: Create nexus user to own nexus folders
  hosts: aws
  become: yes
    - project-vars
    - name: Ensure nexus group exists
        name: nexus
        state: present
    - name: "Create nexus user"
        - uname: nexus
        name: "{{uname}}"
        comment: Nexus user
        group: nexus #root user group on amazon linux
      #register: user_status
      #debug: msg={{user_status}}
    - name: Make nexus user, owner of nexus folder
        path: "{{ item }}"
        state: directory
        owner: nexus
        group: nexus
        recurse: yes
        - /opt/nexus
        - /opt/sonartype-work

- name: Start nexus with nexus user
  hosts: aws
  become: true
  become_user: nexus
    - name: set run_as_user nexus
      # blockinfile:
      #   path: /opt/nexus/bin/nexus.rc
      #   block:  | # pipe represents multi line string
      #     run_as_user="nexus"
      #     #other_config="testing"
        path: /opt/nexus/bin/nexus.rc
        regexp: '^#run_as_user=""'  #this regexp line will be replaced with below line
        line: run_as_user="nexus"
    - name: Start nexus
      command: /opt/nexus/bin/nexus start

- name: verify nexus running
  hosts: aws
    - name: check with ps
      shell: ps -ef|grep -w nexus
      register: app_status
    - debug: msg={{app_status.stdout_lines}}
    - name: wait for one minute
        minutes: 1  #wait for 1min for nexus port listening
    - name: Check with netstat
      shell: netstat -nlpt
      register: app_status
    - debug: msg={{app_status.stdout_lines}}

Push the code from non git directory to an existing git repo directory:
  • git clone existing git repo to a separate directory
  • copy required file from local directory to the cloned git repo directory
  • git add .; git commit -m "Ansible practice files"
  • git push
Alternatively, we can also try using commands like: git remote add orign <repo url>

Ansible playbook : install docker and docker-compose:
- name: Install python3,docker and docker-compose
  hosts: aws
  become: yes
    - name: Make sure python3 and docker are installed
        ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python
      dnf:  #yum module as of now supports only python2 interpreter
          - python3
          - docker
        update_cache: yes
        state: present
    - name: Install docker-compose
#using "lookup" from jinja template to interpret commands inside url
        url: https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.27.4/docker-compose-Linux-{{lookup('pipe', 'uname -m')}}
        dest: /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
        mode: +x
    - name: Ensure docker is running
        name: docker
        state: started

- name: Add user to docker group
  hosts: aws
  become: yes
    - name: Add ec2-user to docker group
        name: ec2-user
        groups: docker
        append: yes
    - name: Reconnect to server session
      meta: reset_connection  #To reset connection immediate after above task

- name: Test docker pull
  hosts: aws
    - name: pull redis
      command: docker pull redis

Interactive input: prompts
  • Playbook prompts the user for certain input
  • Prompting the user for variables lets you avoid recording sensitive data like passwords.
  • you could also encrypt the entered values.
Below Ansible snippet prompting for password of docker registry
- name: Start docker containers
  hosts: aws
    - name: docker_password
      prompt: Enter password for docker registry
  # [OR]
  # vars_files:
  #   - project-vars
    - name: copy docker compose
        src: /file_path/docker-compose.yaml
        dest: /home/ec2-user/docker-compose.yaml
    - name: Docker login
        registry_url: https://index.docker.io/v1
        username: kishoredockr
        password: {{docker_password}}

project-vars: stroing docker password in vars file
location: ~/ansible
uname: nginx2
version: 1.0
user_home_dir: /home/{{uname}}
linux_user: newuser
user_groups: adm,docker

docker_password: | paste_password_here

Generic Playbook: Install docker, docker-compose and start container with user defined in vars file
- name: Install python3,docker and docker-compose
  hosts: aws
  become: yes
  gather_facts: False #To disable gather facts task in Ansible
    - name: Make sure python3 and docker are installed
        ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python
      dnf:  #yum module as ofnow supports only python2 interpreter
          - python3
          - docker
          - python3-pip
        update_cache: yes
        state: present
    - name: Install docker-compose
        url: https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.27.4/docker-compose-Linux-{{lookup('pipe', 'uname -m')}} #using "lookup" from jinja template to interpret commands inside url
        dest: /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
        mode: +x
    - name: Ensure docker is running
        name: docker
        state: started

- name: Create a new user
  hosts: aws
    - project-vars
  become: yes
    - name: Create a new user
        name: "{{linux_user}}"
        groups: "{{user_groups}}"

- name: Install docker & docker-compose python module
  hosts: aws
    - project-vars
  become: yes
  become_user: "{{linux_user}}"
    - name: Install docker python module #This is dependency with ansible docker_image module
          - docker
          - docker-compose

- name: Start docker containers
  hosts: aws
  become: yes
  become_user: "{{linux_user}}"
    - name: docker_password
      prompt: Enter password for docker registry
  # [OR]
  # vars_files:
  #   - project-vars
    - name: copy docker compose
        src: /file_path/docker-compose.yaml
        dest: "{{user_home_dir}}/docker-compose.yaml"
    - name: Docker login
        registry_url: https://index.docker.io/v1
        username: kishoredockr
        password: {{docker_password}}
    - name: Start container from docker-compose
        project_src: "{{user_home_dir}}"
        state: present #default is present, equals to docker-compose up

Manual tasks between provisioning and configuring:
1) We get the IP address manually from TF output
2) Update the hosts file manually with IP
3) Execute Ansible command

We can avoid manual tasks as follows:
In Terrform file:
#Terraform recommends not to use Provisioners
# Avoid manual tasks to cofigure server in ansible once it is provisioned
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    working_directory = "/path-to-file/"
    # comma(,) is mandatory as inventory expect file location (or) comma separated list of IPs
    command = "ansible playbook --inventory ${self.public_ip}, --private-key ${var.ssh_key_private} --user ec2-user deploy-docker.yaml"
    #Next step will be update hosts: all in deploy.docker.yaml playbook


#Another way to execute a provisioner if you want to separat it from AWS instance resource
#Using null_resource in terraform
#We can use it for both local-exec & remote-exec
resource "null_resource" "configure_server" {
  triggers {
    trigger = aws_instance.myapp-server.public_ip
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    working_directory = "/path-to-file/"
    # comma(,) is mandatory as inventory expect file location (or) comma separated list of IPs
    command = "ansible playbook --inventory ${aws_instance.myapp-server.public_ip}, --private-key ${var.ssh_key_private} --user ec2-user deploy-docker.yaml"
    #Next step will be update hosts: all in deploy.docker.yaml playbook

In Ansible Playbook: Add below task to check the server is ready to SSH
#In Ansible playbook add a task to check server is able to SSH
- name: Ensure server is ready to SSH
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Ensure ssh port open
        port: 22
        delay: 10
        timeout: 100
        search_regex: OpenSSH
        host: '{{ (ansible_ssh_host|default(ansible_host))|default(inventory_hostname) }}'
        ansible_connection: local
        ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python

Ansible.cfg before enabling aws_ec2 plugin:
#Configure default hosts file
inventory = hosts

interpreter_python = /usr/bin/python3
enable_plugins = aws_ec2    #Enabling AWS plugin

ansible-inventory: command is used to display or dump the configured inventory as Ansible sees it
ansible-inventory -i inventory_aws_ec2.yaml --list (to get all the info)
ansible-inventory -i inventory_aws_ec2.yaml --graph (to get only servers)

Ec2 inventory source: config file must end with aws_ec2.yaml

Working with Dynamic Inventory:
1) Inventory Plugins (Ansible recommended: Because plugins make use of Ansible features such as state management, plugins are written in YAML format)
2) Inventory Scripts (written in Python)

Plugins/Scripts specific to the infrastructure provider:
You can use "ansible-doc -t inventory -l" to see a list of available plugins
For AWS infrastructure, you need a specific plugin/script for AWS(aws_ec2: boto3 & botocore python modules are required to use it)

Configure Ansible to use Dynamic Inventory:
Pass dynamic inventory file:  
ansible-playbook  -i inventory_aws_ec2.yaml deploy-docker-with-newuser.yaml

Issues observed:
Error: updating Security Group (sg-0a99641b7c7e39c08) ingress rules: authorizing Security Group (ingress) rules: InvalidPermission.Duplicate: the specified rule "peer:, TCP, from port: 22, to port: 22, ALLOW" already exists

Error: updating Security Group (sg-0a99641b7c7e39c08) egress rules: authorizing Security Group (egress) rules: InvalidPermission.Duplicate: the specified rule "peer:, ALL, ALLOW" already exists

To fix it: Add below
lifecycle {
    # Use the `ignore_changes` block to specify which attributes to ignore during updates.
    ignore_changes = [
      # Ignore changes to the ingress rules. This ensures Terraform won't attempt to update them.

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