Accenture - Diversity Tech Externship for Undergraduates and Recent Graduates

announced a Diversity Tech Externship for undergraduates and recent graduates to grow your skills this summer and receive a guaranteed interview for Full-time & Internship opportunities.  

To Apply click here...

📅 Program Dates: July 14th – 15th, 2022

For more details check out Accenture official page: here...

Who qualifies to apply to this program?

HBCU, HSI and other large campus students and recent graduates with a passion for technology and inclusion and diversity.

What experience or skills do I need?

Show involvement in extracurricular activities.
Possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
Demonstrate leadership experience in a professional setting, academic group or professional development group.
Provide examples of teamwork and collaboration.
Show ambassadorship within schools or communities.

Is there a required GPA?

No GPA requirement.

What are the benefits of this program?

Upon successful completion, participants will:

Have an opportunity to interview at Accenture.
Receive Accenture technology certifications in various in-demand tech skills.
Expand their professional network.
Develop foundational business skills and industry acumen.

What is the program agenda?

Day 1:
Technology, Community, & Culture Overview
Case Study Introduction

Day 2:
Metaverse Showcase
Lunch N Learn
Case Presentations

Optional Accenture tech trainings will take place on the following 3 Saturdays:
July 16 - AWS
July 23 - SAP
July 30 - Data Analytics

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