How to pass command line arguments to a shell alias?

Connect to a remote host using a function-based alias:

Scenario: Assume, you are connecting to a remote host. Here I am connecting to a GCP host.

$ ssh user_name@

I would like to create a function alias "gssh" so that if I provide an IP, it should be able to connect to the GCP host, instead of typing the full command every time.

For that, let's add the below code to the .bashrc file (or) the file which is having alias information.

vi .bashrc

function gssh()
ssh -o stricthostkeychecking=no user_name@$1
alias gssh='gssh'


Below code, If you are using the private key
function gssh()
ssh -o stricthostkeychecking=no -i /Users/user_name/.ssh/id_rsa user_name@$1
alias gssh='gssh'

Note: Replace user_name accordingly in the above code.

Now, load the file once.
$ source .bashrc
Let's connect using the alias:

$ gssh

We should be able to connect using the function alias we created.



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