[DevOps Bootcamp Notes] - Build Tools and Package Manager Tools

 [Notes] - Build Tools and Package Manager Tools


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How to build the artifact?
Using a build tool

Specific to the programming languate
Java - Maven (or) Gradle

->Install dependencies
->Compile and compress your code

Build tools in Java:

JAR or WAR file

Maven(use XML) or Gradle(use Groovy code)

Build a Gradle project: ./gradlew build (inside "build" folder, "libs" folder ".jar" file will be generated)

Build a Maven project: mvn install

Before build a Maven project, we need to make sure the "spring-boot-maven-plugin" is added to the pom.xml.

(Inside "target" folder ".jar" file will be generated.)

How to run the application?
java -jar <name of the jar file>
java -jar .\build\libs\java-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
java -jar .\target\java-maven-app-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Build JavaScript applications:
npm and yarn are package managers (not build tools). They will install dependencies, but not used for transpiling the JS code."package.json" is equivalent to "build.grade" or "pom.xml" in java or maven projects.

npm install - to install dependencies that are defined in package.json

npm-command line tool
npm start - start the application
npm stop - stop the application
npm test - run the tests
npm publish - publish the artifact

What does the zip/tar file include?
->It only includes application code, but NOT the dependencies. So when we are running the Java script artifacts(from the zip) we need to install the dependencies first and then run the JavaScript application.

1) Must install the dependencies first
2) Unpack zip/tar (copy artifact & package.json file to the server)
3) Run the App (npm run (or) node command)

To create an artifact:
npm pack

Run JavaScript application:
npm start

Build Tools and Docker:
No need to build and move different artifact types (e.g. jar,war,zip).

Just 1 artifact type - Docker image. We build docker images from the applications. No need for a repository for each file type. Additional advantage is no need to install dependencies on the server. We can execute install command inside the docker image.

-Docker Image is an alternative to all other artificat types
-You don't need to install npm or java on the server
-Execute everything in the image. But you still need to build the Apps!

──────── Credits to: TechWorldwithNana & BestTechReads ────────


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